an amazing woman that any guy would be lucky to call theirs. she is both very beautiful and very smart. a combination that is very rare now-a-days. she is very funny yet when the time calls she is a very serious person. very easy to please. she has an amazing personality and her voice is like one from an angle. very sociable and gets along with just about anyone. a very caring individual. if someone is hurt or they are just down she helps make them feel better. what would the world be without kaylynn? i shudder at the though.
you see that woman, you can tell she is a kaylynn
s-xy female who has more than beauty, but brains as well. hated on by many. every guy’s fantasy.
for further reference look up s-xy.
d-mn, look at kaylynn!
awesome person who is an amazing artist. shes funny, insane, and nice to anyone whos nice to her. others consider her wimpy but she has secret strength and skill. when shes hurt or sick, you wish you could help her, and it breaks you hear when she cries and there isnt anything you can do about it. she isnt afraid to be herself and is a really loving, gentle person. shes really smart and creative and you just know that shes one girl whos going to pave her own destiny.
person: can i see your picture?
kaylynn: sure!! -shows a beautiful abstract painting-
person: wow….
an outgoing, energetic girl who has her own unique draw and s-x appeal. kaylynns are witty, clever and boisterous ladies with loud laughs when they are feeling good. with such a high level of intellect as well as inner and worldly knowledge combined with loads of sympathy and a kind heart to those who deserve it, kaylynns also carry the weight on their shoulders. it’s amazing they can still see the beauty in the world and have fun with all that going on. thus, they need lots of love and often enjoy many hugs. although they seem like the superwoman of ladies they still need to be comforted just like the rest of us. give a kaylynn your love, a hug, and some kind gestures and she will be yours forever. extremely loyal. with all of this going on, there is no doubt that kaylynns are 100% real. there is nothing fake about a real woman!
i wish i was as s-xy as kaylynn!
everyone loves kaylynn!
kaylynn is so much fun to be around!
kaylynn is the smartest lady i know!
kaylynn is so unique and kind, yet s-xy and smart too! i want to date kaylynn!
i wish i could tell people exactly like it is like kaylynn does. she is so real!
kaylynn was sad yesterday because starving children in ethiopia are eating food out of landfills.
the most beautiful girl you will ever meet in your life. she’s perfect. she’s funny, caring, kind, loving. she never fails to make you smile. she is always there for you no matter what. you couldn’t even think up a better friend than kaylynn. once you start loving her, you can’t stop. her existence makes the world a better place.
person one: kaylynn is so perfect!
person two: i know! i’m so jealous of her!
kaylynn is a women of spectacular physique. she is one of a kind and is hard to get. if one were to say she is the best girl in the world, that person would speak only the finest truth. she is able to connect with her love in and outside of the bedroom to create the perfect relationship. she may think that she will never be in a long term relationship and never be able to commit to someone for a long time, but she may soon find that’s not true. the young man she holds close is the luckiest their is, he practically won the lottery. she has the deepest and fullest personality one can find.
guy 1: so i heard you and kaylynn got back together, why is that?
guy 2: kaylynn has been the center of my life for the last year, how could i let go of the one person i love the most and loose the one person i fight to keep? plus she is the s-xiest person i know.
guy 1: i just barfed a rainbow out of my sudden erection.
girl 1: oh. my. g-d. look at the girl over there, she is so hot i might turn lesbo.
girl 2: i don’t know, she seems like a really nice and wonderful human being just from looking at her, i’m jealous of the boy who gets to be with her!
a b-tchy, sl-tty, downright mean person. stay away from kaylynns. just when you think that you are friends with her, she tries to steal your boyfriend. she thinks she’s hot when really she’s ugly-inside and out, and eventually everyone will see that. she’s also very stupid. she really doesn’t understand anything. she literally doesn’t know how to spell “dog”.
person 1-“that girl was such a b-tch!”
person 2-“i caught her flirting with my boyfriend!”
person 3-“i’d bet a million dollars that she’s a kaylynn.”
person 1-“no doubt.”
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