power, purity, cherub seritor of stone, pure and beloved
…when the ruach hakodesh comes upon you, you will receive khaila
(acts 1:8)
get ready for an outpouring of the khaila (power) of the ruach
the nazarene jewish community needs khaila.
the book of revelation says:
“…the `akel kartza, who has great fury, has come down to them while
knowing that the time is short for him…. and the dragon was angry
concerning the woman and he went to wage war with the remnant of her
seed, those who keep the commandments of eloah and have the
testimony of yeshua.” (rev. 12:12, 17)
therefore the scripture tells us:
“…be strong in our adon and in the might of his khaila (power), and
put on all the armour of eloah that you may be able to stand against
the stratagies of `akel kartza…”
(eph. 4:10)
“and yeshua called his twelve and gave them khaila (power) and
authority over all the spirits and shadim (demons) and to heal
sickness.” (luke 9:1)
…when the ruach hakodesh comes upon you, you will receive khaila
(acts 1:8)
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