
khairyl is a substance seeker who loves smoking weed, nephcon and getting high with his buddies then lepak in a room with everything shut to hotbox so he can get higher. but highkey afraid that god will take his life any moment so he solat anyway.
dude control your sh-t. don’t be such a khairyl!

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  • harry poter

    big d-ck look at my harry poter

  • it will be ok.

    something your told when you know it’s not ok. “even though he was shot in the head 7 times, it will be ok.”

  • stupid whore bag

    1.) someone who will f-ck anything that walks. 2.) someone who has 4 kids by the age of 20. 3.) a f-cking worthless peice of sh-t. d-mn that stupid wh-r- bag is trying to f-ck everyone in the school

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  • lasagna hunter

    a person who goes for the girls that are not good looking/desperate because they themselves are ugly af and desperate. they’re standards are very, very low. person a- “you heard about cameron harlington’s girlfriend” person b- “isn’t she in year 10 and the one with the one who looks like a cold mcdonald’s apple pie?” […]

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