cute way to say cats
where’s my kittyfriend, hope he didn’t become my kittyenemy?
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- Kitty Weasel
1.) a cute pet-name for someone you care about. usually one who is extremely sarcastic/whitty/musically inclined/tattooed/uses the word fum/puts random ”z’s” in words. 2.) an elongated cat, in the torso area. also referred to as a “weenie-cat.” 1.) “i skipped through your 13 minute song, kitty weasel.” 2.) “hey! i think i tripped over a […]
1. anyone who uses soulseek and enters the drum n b-ss chatroom. 2. optimuscrime i, the konko, hails from konkolopolis.
- Polovich
loud, obnoxious, annoying in an unflattering manner that often alarms the opposite s-x my ex is such a polovich
- Polyester
a pejorative term used to describe the collective group of uniformed police officers in a given community, often by other public safety professionals who have a rivalry-based relationship. refers to the polyester uniforms made from recycled plastic six-pack rings worn by many police officers. firefighter: did you see the city gave the cops an 8% […]
- kooka slap
the act of having s-xual intercourse for an extended period of time. afterwards falling asleep and having the feeling that you have been knocked out or slapped. jeremy: dude i would have came over but i got kooka slapped. ron: what! you know what that’s ok man, i bet it was great!