a wad of money; a stack of cash you keep in your pocket.
bills can be folded, clipped, held by a rubberband etc. preferably $20s and or $100s.
“cash in the sweatsocks, check the sweatpocks, got a knot in there the size of an x-box” – cam’ron (it’s nothing feat. h-ll rell)
“i go get that paper, a mega f-cking watch
i be pullin out knots, that can buy me a, yacht” – lil’ scr-ppy (money in the bank feat. young buck)
“i used to play the block like that, i used to carry knots like that, now i got black cards, good credit and such, baby boy, cause i’m all grown up!” – jay-z (30 something)
the knot is a slang term used to describe the swollen area of a canines p-n-s. this swollen area is call the “bulbus glandis”. its is located towards the base of the p-n-s. during the act of mating, when the male dog enters the v-g-n- of the female dog, this area swells up. once swollen, the dogs will be “tied” together for upto 25min while the male is ejaculating. this increases the changes of conception by sealing the s-m-n in the uterus. since the females v-g-n- points downward, the s-m-n would simply drain out due to gravity.
this you see the size of the knot on that dog?
rolls of 20’s and 100’s equaling any amount of money
“i cant wear skinny jeans cuz my knots too thick”- jay z
a wad of money; a stack of cash you keep in your pocket.
bills can be folded, clipped, held by a rubberband etc. preferably $100s if you plan on spending.
“cash in the sweatsocks, check the sweatpocks, got a knot in there the size of an x-box” – cam’ron (it’s nothing feat. h-ll rell)
“i go get that paper, a mega f-cking watch
i be pullin out knots, that can buy me a, yacht” – lil’ scr-ppy (money in the bank feat. young buck)
“i used to play the block like that, i used to carry knots like that, now i got black cards, good credit and such, baby boy, cause i’m all grown up!” – jay-z (30 something) (kingdom come)
a roll of $20 bills.
“i’m makin’ knots from these hustles bro.”
head, uppermost part of the body containing the brain, mind
rock yo knot – nod your head
“what happened to that kid jack-o?”
“didn’t you heard, he got shot in the knot”
a big roll of bills. hustlers and dealers carry knots of money. can be held with a rubberband. its a whole lot of bills folded in half, then in half again, and rubberbands hold them together good. small time hustlers and dice players usually have a lot of ones, thats how u can tell.
d-mn, ol boy got a fat knot of ones.
yea he been playin dice.
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