(verb) – to kopple: koppling: to go on a kopple
(noun) – a kopple: an absurd bender of epic proportions partaken by “friends” who have likely just met and are brought together ostensibly by a valid reason while in fact the true connection is the shared desire for the bender
andy (wearing straw hat): “nice hat, man”
wimberly (wearing straw hat): “you to, man”
andy “whiskey?”
wimberly “a whiskey kopple is in order”
simply means to smoke jiburbs ( cannabis )
the word kopple can only be used when used with the word jiburbs.
for example:
correct :
“lets kopple some jiburbs”
wrong :
“lets kopple some weed”
mat: “hey marc, do you want to kopple some jiburbs with me and george?”
marc: “yea man i would enjoy a smoke with you guys.”
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