to somehow screw your co-workers by not showing up to work.
man, dave really kunk’d us by calling in sick again!
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- Phantom Blumpkin
when one is about to receive a blumpkin but gets shy or nervous and can only force out a fart. tim went to get a blumpkin from jen but couldnt cr-p, all he did was fart. therefore he got a phantom blumpkin.
- Czoon
alternative spelling of “tune”,”choon”,”chune”, or “czune”: a song or any piece of music to which an individual -ssigns the highest level of merit but most usually an exclaimation upon hearing the song in public. f-ck me man, have you heard war machine by reso? it’s such a f-cking czoon!
- purple yogart
when a girl bleeds from her v-g-n- and a guy gives her a creampie(-j-c-l-t-s in a girls v-g-n-)and keeps going till the blood mixes with the c-m. joe:man i got it on so hard with my girl-friend that she was just covered in purple yogart. ted:man joe it must have been beast mode last night […]
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- Fucking Yawn
an exclamation which is uttered in order to convey the speaker’s absolute boredom – usually caused by a situation they involuntarily find themselves in, eg a corporate meeting. humour is derived from the fact that yawning is an involuntary act, yet this phrase explicitly names the action rather than performs it – signifying that the […]