mexican pr-nunciation of the english word “corn”. can be used to exclaim emotion, to call to a friend or acquaintance, or simply to shout out at spontaneous moments. there is a kurn hierarchy, consisting of (in order of highest to lowest power): kurn lord, kurn masta, kurn prince, and multiple kurn apprentices. the kurn lord is the creator and destroyer of the kurn, has supreme power over all kurn kingdoms, and can determine when to initiate or abolish the kurn.
“man i hope they have some kurn at this restaurant.”
“ey kurn! how you been?!”
-during easter sunday m-ss- “kurn”
“i am de kurn lord, i rule over all kurn kingdoms.”
“i love kurn, and that is all i know.”
a kurn is a girl who absolutely loves lots of p-n-s in and around every single one of her orifaces, especially the -n-l, oral, and v-g-n-l ones.
wow that girl is definitly a kurn
– a name of greatness. people who own a the name are very smart, funny, and remarkably amazing. they are the best people that you will ever meet.
– only applicable towards people who actually have the name.
” anna kurns… omg their eyes are burned from her awesomeness!!!!”
“she’s too awesome!!!!”
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