
kyleene is someone thats not afraid to be loud, a funny person that makes a lot of people laugh. kyleene is very intelligent. kyleene is someone that people love as a friend and think is amazing to be around, but kyleene does not think that anyone likes them and they many hurt herself. when kyleene hurts herself, it causes others to hurt herself. kyleene is someone you can trust and will keep anyones secret. there is on person in kyleene lifes that loves them and wants to give the world to kyleene, that person could be a girl or boy but kyleens dont see them unless they take a min. and think about who has told her that there amazing to be around. those people worry about kyleene and talk about kyleene a lot. when kyleen hurts herself that person starts to hurt them self too. kyleene is a wonderful person and normally has blond hair and they may dye there hair blue sometimes. if your a kyleene your probably going through a stage were one of your friends are not talking too you, thats the someone that worry’s about you, if i was a kyleene i would text them every night thats the person that you should keep a friend forever because there willing to fight for you.
kyleene is a amazing person
kyleene is someone who a lot of people don’t like because they really done know who she is. they like to -ssume that she’s just this terrible person but really she’s perfect. she has a great personality, great sense of humor, and a beautiful smile. she has amazing eyes and the softest silky hair. she’s the kind of person that you want to see and talk to all the time and when she’s upset or sad the people that care about her will be sad too but overall she’s just the best person ever. if you find a kyleene remember to never let her go ever because breaking up with kyleene is the worst. you go from the best time of your life to complete chaos and sadness
kyleene is the most amazing and beautiful person i’ve ever met.

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