la bamba
a variation of coitus, where upon giving a rainbow kiss, the male partic-p-nt will vomit inside of the v-g-n-l walls of the recipient. once this criterion is met for the la bamba, the female proceeds to consume the biproducts of this unholy coupling. named for the infamous mexican restaurant la bamba, where the food resembles such an activity.
“inspiration and genius–thy name is la bamba.”
– adapted from victor hugo
1. noun. la bamba is a chain of mexican restaurants scattered throughout the midwest, offering traditional mexican dishes as well as, according to their slogan, “burritos as big as your head.”
2. noun. a t-rd roughly const-tuting the relative size of one’s own head–generally produced the morning after a drunken binge at la bamba.
“i just made a la bamba!”
1: the trombonist for the max weinberg 7 on “late night with conan o’brien”.
2: a squatty-faced man, equipped with a mustache. also has a tendency to wear a different-colored fedora every night. often the target of off-color or h-m-s-xual jokes. also see: the year 2000 guy
“if you can laugh at yourself loud and hard every time you fall, people will think you’re drunk, isn’t that right labamba?”
music of a spanish origin that people that stankkkkkk listen to. you know who that is…
1 1 y 3
man 1: la bamba…ole ole…
man 2: you must stank really badly to listen to la bamba
man 3: what just because you think you got mafia connections?
man 4: really la bamba is sh-t
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