Landover Baptist
g-d’s favorite church where true christians (baptists) congregate. landover baptist is located in freehold, iowa and boasts a congregation of 157,000 members and 128 pastors. it preaches the bible in it’s entirety and has no problem telling people they are going to h-ll. they pretty much hate everyone who isn’t a white anglo-saxon baptist, including, but not limited to cathylicks, h-m-s-xurals, jews, mooslims, mormons, jehovah’s witnesses, methodists, epyskipals, pentacostals, blacks, asians, and anyone else who is unsaved. the church is home to pastor deacon fred, betty bowers, sister taffy, and judy o christian.
landover baptist is an incredibly well done parody site that mocks ultra-right wing fundamentalist protestants.
a christian fundamentalist website for “true christians”. the “unsaved are unwelcome.”
has strong opinions against jews, democrats, catholics, muslims, hindus, buddhists, liberals, poor people, h-m-s-xuals, television, blacks, the french, pagans, atheists, and cat stevens.
believes pixar is an evil propaganda machine controlled by h-m-s-xuals.
the church makes most of its profits from website hits and selling “what would jesus do?” thongs.
landover baptist: where the worthwhile worship. unsaved unwelcome.
a false internet-based church dedicated to exposing a side of christianity most do not know.
landover baptist does not welcome those who are not saved
the greatest trolls to ever inhabit the internet!
the landover baptist webpage is a web page devoted to making grossly exagerated statements of religious zeal in order to expose some of the ridiculous beliefs of some fundamentalist christian churches. they pretend to be highly religious, while at the same time mocking religion by using it against itself. they are so good at what they do, they are often misunderstood.
the church is fictional.
when the landover baptists post videos on youtube, most people don’t know its a joke.
most people can’t tell that the landover baptist are not a real church group.
the soil that covers the grave of a member of the baptist faith.
after pastor jeremiah died, his coffin was placed in a freshly dug hole, which was then filled in with landover baptist.
a fantastic parody site that pokes fun at ultra-conservative fundamentalist christians.
recent articles include “the pope’s message from h-ll” and “inside the sick mind of george lucas.”
hilarious, but also disturbing due to the fact that there are people out there who would probably wholeheartedly agree with the majority of the material on this site.
francis bought a “love me or burn!” jesus b-tton from the landover baptist store.
a fundamentalist shiite baptist cult intent on converting every non-believer or hurrying them on to h-ll.
you apostate catholics, christ-killing jews, mark-of cain negroes and pagan chinamen gathered here at landover baptist church will either put your hand on the kj1611 bible and accept him or we’ll put your brains on it.
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