
really bad or frustrating; a horrible event.
i just lost my entire fortune playing poker.
uh, that’s really lappa.

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  • rofllmmfao

    rolling on the floor laughing my mother f-cking -ss off…i don’t know if someone could possibly be this happy..usually said when people get sick of saying lol dude-yo…my name is bob other dude-…rofllmmfao!! dude- wat? other dude-…i don’t know…

  • Stinkie von Stankovich

    big baller; a guy who f-cks a lot – he gets his stank on dude 1: how many chicks have you f-cked? dude 2: over a 1,000 dude 1: you’s stinkie von stankovich! dude 2: yeah, i’s a big-nig

  • Ben-Ezra

    knowing way too much about whatever is being talked about, or using that knowledge to get 100% in a course. holy cr-p, he pulled such a ben-ezra there.

  • Can't Understand Nigger Talk

    another acronym for the word “c-nt”. easier to use than “c u next tuesday”, considering that you don’t have to say “you” before it. shut up, can’t understand n-gg-r talk.

  • cape cod sea camps

    home i’m homesick, i miss cape cod sea camps

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