little girl
oh, don’t cry, you’re acting like a laraque
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- Lard sale
comes from yard sale. a big group of fat people, and gender doesn’t matter. a normal lard sale will have anywhere from three up to twenty people in it. i went into a fast food restaurant and saw the biggest lard sale i’ve ever seen.
- Display Name
this is a phrase that refers to the name by which people will see you as on mysp-ce. it can be anything you want it to be, as long as the length isn’t terribly long. most of the time, display names are the name of the person, but people often use them for self-expression. some […]
- Layin' on da Darin
the art of starving a person (male and/or female) for action. darin typically lays on da darin with every male and/or female.
- leet skeet
a varatiaon of leet but more leet then the original leet. leet skeet is higher then leet and is used to describe kick -ss sh-t such as a game or hardware or a person ” man the new ati card out is leet skeet” “have you seen how leet skeet that dude is hes totally […]
- Multiple Profile Disorder
multiple profile disorder (mpd) is a social networking disorder characterized by having at least one “alter” personality that controls behavior. the “alters” are said to occur spontaneously and involuntarily, and function more or less independently of each other. they may be evident by posts that are not characteristic of the known person and seem widely […]