Larry Davis
larry davis (born may 28, 1966) (changed name to adam abdul hakeem 1989) is a controversial figure whose shooting of six nypd officers on november 19, 1986 during a raid on his sister’s bronx apartment created a heated debate in new york about police behavior and accusations of racism. davis was wanted on charges of killing four drug dealers when the botched raid took place. he states the nypd came after him based on his decision to get out of the drug business, which the police department initiated. davis eluded capture for the next 17 days despite a m-ssive manhunt. once the search was narrowed to a single building, he took three hostages but surrendered when the presence of reporters -ssured him he would not be harmed. davis received aid and shelter from the bronx community where he lived, attaining folk hero status among many.
-thank the lord for my blessings, im glad he gave us, the willpower and reflexes of larry davis- lloyd banks, “work magic”
-im bout to go larry davis on yall
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