Leeroy Jenkins
leeroy jenkins- doing it leeroy jenkins style. meaning to do something so bl–dy wild that youll be talked about for months because it was bl–dy insane.
running into a boss in a dungeon in world of warcraft solo taking on mobs of up to 100 all level 55 screaming “leeeeerrrooooyyy jjjjennnkkinnssss!!!”
the above is a cl-ssic example of “doin it leeroy jenkins style”
is apparently stupid as h-ll, but at least possesses chicken.
leeroy jenkins went from gaming in-joke to world-wide fame.
1: one who does not grasp the concept of caution.
2: one whose success is based purely off relentless aggression and pure luck.
3: one who likes chicken.
4: one whose battle cry consists of their own name.
1: to destroy all hopes of success.
2: to rush headlong into danger without regard to consequences.
3: to satisfy one’s own desires at the expense of all around oneself.
“leerooooy jenkiiins!”
“omg he just ran in”
“godd-mn it leeroy”
leeroy jenkins
is the term to not do things but at least be in possession of chicken
player: leeroy you’re stupid as h-ll
leeroy jenkins: least i have chicken
leeroy jenkins is defined as a soldier or person to engage in a conflict so as to inspire his fellow soldiers or friends to join in the fray regardless of circ-mstances or odds of survival.
the term is derived from a legendary soldier in the online pc game world of warcraft in which leeroy jenkins interrupts his comrades during a moment of strategizing on the outset of an imminent battle to which their odds of survival are 32.33% and screams his now famous battle cry, “leeeeeeerrrroooyyy jenkins!” and charges into enemy territory. leeroy’s spontaneous outburst and act of bravery shocks and inspires his fellow soldiers and they too charge after leeroy. the battle ultimately ends in a decisive defeat leaving no survivers thus immortalizing leeroy jenkins as the embodiment of bravery and sacrifice.
the courageous act was recorded and posted on youtube in 2006. just type leeroy jenkins into the search field.
the event has been referenced on many flatforms and mediums such as the popular television show final jeopardy and also on the howard stern show.
the term can also be used to desribe an event, example:
“we got our -sses kicked the other night at the bar. the whole godd-mned thing was a leeroy jenkins.”
or used as a verb, example: “i will leroy jenkins your -ss!”
1. a character from the popular mmorpg world of warcraft (wow) played by ben schultz.
2. a card in the world of warcraft trading card game with the special ability of exhausting all other creatures. if you call out “leeeeroooy jenkins!” the card can attack instantly, but has low health and will generally die fast. similar to the character in the game.
3. an incredibly stupid act that generally results in suffering for others.
4. a catchphrase used by players of various different mmorpgs when they are about to commit suicide, i.e. its leeeroooy jenkins time!
did he just pull a leeroy jenkins?
oh my god, you are such a leeroy jenkins.
it’s leeeeeroooy jenkins!
to spontaniously run head first into fail.
you have only acomplished a leeroy jenkins when you epically fail at something almost instantely and spectacularly and then state ‘at least i have chicken’
come on guys lets do this, leeeeroy jenkins!!!!!! (fail)
wow what a leeroy jenkins
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