left lane jackass
left lane jack-ss (llj): a person driving in the left lane on a highway either at the speed limit or usually slightly below the limit and the following conditions are present: 1) another car or cars is behind them wanting to go faster; 2) the person driving is completely unaware of his or her surroundings.
the following conditions are not necessary for the definition, but are frequently observed: there is a blinker flashing and the driver is completely unaware of it and has no intention of changing lanes, and 2) the driver may be talking on a cell phone, putting on make-up, or daydreaming.
supporting evidence includes: the drivers behind the llj appear p-ssed off, and 2) drivers behind the llj are usually tail-gaiting and flashing their lights, however, this usually has no effect, due to condition #2 of the definition.
p-ssenger: “hey, is there a traffic jam ahead?”
driver: no, it’s another left lane jack-ss.
p-ssenger: just get a little closer to him, i’m sure he’ll move over when he notices us.
driver: he’s frigging clueless, and doesn’t even know that i’m 12 inches from his b-mper. i think he’s talking on his cell phone.
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