
lerayne is a smart strong girl who is troublesome at times but has a big heart that keeps her happy.
she must a lerayne because she cause a bit of trouble

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  • jaricsa

    a unique girl that has a big heart and is trustworthy. she is beautiful,smart,loyal,funny and s-xy and most importantly a good person. everybody likes jaricsa …there’s just some something about her that attracts people of all ages. look! there goes jaricsa😃😍

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    someone from texas who has no sense of his actions. it is highly likely he has top tier autism.

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    f-ckin nice and spicy korean food. the color of this food is red, very red. it’s rice cakes with red pepper paste. it’s wonderful. always makes me drool. this food is f-ckin lit!!!!! what’s the name of this amazing sh-t !! it’s tteokbokki.

  • boffola

    a joke intended to cause laughter or a hearty andy unrestrained laugh it originated in the 1940’s in north america (it’s a great word that should be more widely known) what a might boffola you have!! when all other jokes fail to land i pull out a boffola and everyone loves it!

  • mavalynn

    the greatest couple name ever! lots of love. mavalynn loveeeeee

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