the act of laughing so hard it causes you to fart so unexpectedly and with such force, it feels as though you levitate from your seated position
meghan caught me so off guard with her joke. i swear i was levatooting while i was cracking up!
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- clusterfluff
when things are going horribly wrong, and you’re surrounded by children or people you can’t swear around, this is the cl-sterfluff! when the third child pooed his pants, amy realized that her job had quickly turned into a cl-sterfluff! something of little substance or consequence, intended primarily to generate controversy and to draw attention rather […]
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a.k.a. bolivian marching powder. cocaine enrique got caught with a kilo of bolivian marching powder up his -ss. cocaine ahhg, i feel like sh-t. too much marching powder last night.
- spit on the floor and call the dog a bastard
make yourself at home, get comfortable, act like you own the place, mi casa es su casa. an exclamation of welcome. hey, welcome to my house. sit down, make yourself comfortable, spit on the floor and call the dog a b-st-rd.