local homebrew store. this is a term used on the internet to mean the physical store one goes to to buy grains, hops, and equipment for homebrewing beer, cider, and wine. not to be confused with online homebrew supply stores.
“my lhbs doesn’t have any columbus whole hops, just pellets. would that change the aroma much?”
less c-mbersome way of saying low-hanging-b-lls when it is frequently mentioned in conversation
my bf has such lhb he gets carpet burn when he runs around naked at home.
abbreviation for “listen here b-tch.”
used in settings where cursing is prohibited (at the office, etc.)
“lhb, you’re really p-ssing me off.”
any act of domestic violence, but most often referring to a sharp slap across the face. initials stand for “looky here, b-tch!”
“i spent five days in county jail fo’ givin my ho’ the lhb!”
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