
basically the best people you will ever meet. they’re kinda in a gang… a b-tter gang than yours. it all started with halloween costumes… so you have siblings, a girl and a boy. the girl is toast, and the boy b-tter. “hi my name’s toast and this is my little b-tter!” aka b-tter or b-ttah.
“where’s my lil’b-tter at?”
“b-ttahhhhhh what’s crack-a-lackin’??”

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    i said seduce me. dat colin nicolaou says “i said seduce me. “

  • hoedover

    when a friend gets off with a guy you are talking to/dating/crushing on, behind your back. person 1: “my best mate just snogged my prom date behind my back” person 2: “d-mn you got hoedover badly”

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  • nimrodding

    to consistently hit/launch objects towards a pre-arranged target. i’m gonna be nimrodding mr. harris’ house with paintb-lls, you in?

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