a style of clothing worn by seductive, s-xy robots. i.e. the “s-xy” robot from transformers 2.
jeremy: i loved that transformers 2 movie, but all i herd from my church about that movie was about the stupid robot in that s-xy lingerree…
phil:… uh what???
jeremy: lingerree… wait.. lingerie…
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its the inflammation of the bottom lip, causing the person to look like a camel or jay z for instance, resulting from excessive pouting or sadness brought on by constant picking on or ridicule. oh poor matt, cause of eric and mitch playing tricks on him and poking fun at him he has now developed […]
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a scenario that will consist of a large degree of epic and/or awesome. can be a party, a romantic night out or just a walk to the convenience store. founded by adam borsella and slowly adopted by a bunch of ib kids. person one: so i’m going to this party tonight. person two: yeee me […]
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1. any beer. particularly refers to heavy, full bodied beers, which can be very filling. 2. guiness, or irish breakfast, as it is also called. 1. i don’t need lunch; i just had some liquid bread. 2. guiness is the closest you’ll ever get to liquid bread without putting a loaf of wonderbread into a […]