Linn exclusive
see: not exclusive
a relationship which seemingly to one of the parties (that would be the non-linn) is of an exclusive art. this is not the case. normal behavior in say norway, or anywhere the game can be played out.
linn is commonly known as a major league player, and while guys like to believe that they’ve found a sweet and charming girl (by all means, linn is both sweet and charming!), they have however not caught on to the fact that she has a very special way of living out relationships’ exclusivity, by say, not being exclusive at all.
many a guy has been tricked.
many a guy has been hurt… luckily for linn they’re usually far away.
a guy in every harbor, or as linn would say “a guy who’s stupid enough to be led on”.
anyone who has a hard time being a one-guy girl can be labelled a follower of linn exclusivity.
random guy (let’s not get started on names):
yeah, i met this really cute girl, linn, and we’re dating exclusively!!
someone smarter than that: dear friend, if by exclusive you mean that you’re not dating anyone else, and linn is dating anyone else, i do believe you’re right!!
random guy: stfu!!! don’t tell me that’s linn exclusive linn?! maaaaan, this sucks.. she seems so nice!
the smart guy: yup, she’s reaaal friendly. that’s linn exclusive for ya.
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