little man
an adult male who, due to a psychological or physical issue (often lack of stature) which gives them a complex of inadequacy , feels compelled to “prove themselves” to both friends and others on any given occasion by advocating and indulging in stupid and often dangerous acts of male bravado. the partic-p-nts are often aided in these acts by their beer muscle.
“after a few beers, he was behaving like a little man”
a young boy who seems to be more grown up and acts manley, but is not yet grown often a child, can be a pet
ohh look at my little man, so cute and grown up
when playing drinking games that players can define rules, the little man rule is usually stated:
every time you have to drink (not casually) you must pretend there is a little man sitting on your drink which you must remove and replace after drinking. failure to do so will result in further drinking as a penalty.
victoria picked a red 5, she has to drink for 5 seconds. “don’t forget the little man!” victoria thanks diana while the guys hope she at least has a low tolerance..
smallest person in the group often referred to as a dwarf or midget….
little man is not buying drinks as he can’t see over the bar lol…..
springing from a cult movement of little dragon in the early 2010s, the little man has been popping up in s-xual intercourse across the nation. at any point after insertion the little man may be introduced by having one (only one) partner break out into a dance to “little man” by little dragon.
partner b. who is not engaged in the dance party must sit back and enjoy the dance party unfolding atop or around them and only offer a thumbs up for encouragement. (head bobs are also allowed).
i was hooking up with him and totally pulled out the little man- awesome dancing and s-xing all at once! he looked up at me and said, “this is amazing”!
“so baby, what do you think about little maning?”
a small h-m-s-xual male that is in a relationship with a larger h-m-s-xula male.
i had better check with little man before i say yes.
a person with a extremely small p-n-s, indeed smaller than the size of 1/100000000th of a single elctron- astoundingly small c-ck.
hey boyz look what i got here.. well james know wonder they call u littleman
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