a response to a badly executed joke.
Read Also:
- Shi-Mo-Fo
stands for “sh-t, motherf-cker”! this is ususally used to decribe extreme pain or displeasure. shi-m–f- b-tter and bread be f-ckin’ me up to the bones!
- Louis Dog
a small brown and black terrier which fits in a handbag a: dude did you see that chick? she was smokin! s: yeah man, too bad she has a louis dog in her handbag. probably a total b-tch!
- euphanize
to say something in the nicest way possible and thereby destroy its meaning used in the same was as euthanized ted (geek): let’s go out sally: i don’t really think that would work ben: wow, she really euphanized the cr-p out of that
- eurosnatch
a woman’s v-g-n- that has not been shaved. a hairy mess. omfg, i saw mich-lle last night and she had the scariest eurosn-tch i had ever seen. i swear, sasquatch must be living down there
- Lounge Mode
basically when you’re completely chilling, in your comfy trackies/sweat pants and doing nothing. i’m so effing tired, i’m getting changed, getting in bed and then i’m in lounge mode for the rest of the night.