lol abuser
a person who, when chatting with text over the internet, will almose always respond to something with “lol”. this person also doesn’t think through what is being said.
fred says: wow, tomorrow’s social studies test is going to be queer
john says: lol
fred says: hahah, this is a funny pic
(imagine a link to a funny pic here)
fred says: lol
an lol abuser is when people use lol too much on im and sound like r-t-rds….like me.
person: wuts the hw??
me: lol i dunno
person: tell me!
me: lol i dunno wut it is!
person: wutever
me: lol
^ lol abuser!!!
someone who uses lol not only too much in a conversation, but is most likely not laughing out loud at what was previously said. not only is this person an abuser of an already r-t-rded term, but they are a liar. hit them.
vladimir: i’m really confused with this hw.
eric: lol
vladimir: why is that funny? i really am confused.
eric: i’m not laughing lol
vladimir: why are you using lol then?
eric: lol
vladimir: you are a lol abuser and i loathe you, no lol. i will kill you dead.
someone who overuses the term lol util the point it has practically no meaning
person 1 : so this guy walks into a bar
person 2 : lol!
p1 : dude, shut the h-ll up
p2 : lol no
p1 : god your such a lol abuser
p2 : lol sure….
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