loosh meister
nawlins native who gets dat p-ssy wet
d-mn son, you a loosh meister
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what the f-ck is wrong with you? person 1: i p–ped in the sink again person 2: wtfiwwy!?!
- Fan Math
a formula for finding out what type of fan you are of a certain band. it has nothing to do with how much you love a band but what type of listener you are. purely for fun. it is a very simple formula, take the amount of songs you have heard by said band/artist and […]
what the fruit loop, to be used instead of wtf so you dont get in trouble. “dude, i got an f in math!!” “wtfl” online abbreviation for “what the f-ck laughing” – used in situations where you see something you really shouldn’t be laughing, but you can’t help it. jim: “hey, check out this video […]
stands for “welcome to my kill file.” an expression used to announce that you added a filter to automatically block (kill) all correspondence from a certain user. heard mostly back when usenet was the primary place for online discussion. annoyingdouche26: hi, i’d like to introduce my new product to all you here in this discussion […]
- Wu-Tang Woodson
also known as wt woodson, this school from fairfax, va kicks the -ss of all other high schools due to great sports teams, relatively low levels of dumb-sses, and a great coalition against communism. sometimes considered a pr-ck school, but really that t-tle goes to langley and tjhsst. interviewer :so what the h-ll does wt […]