a tax on people who can’t do math.
the odds of winning $1 million in the lottery are around a billion to one. good luck. you’ll need it.
false hope; a tease; an “easy way out” that can never be obtained.
billy spent $100 on lottery tickets and didn’t even win that much back.
an idea stolen by the government from the people who ran them illegally. many states send a percentage of lottery revenue to the public school system.
people are going to play the lottery whether is it legal on not, so why not let the government control it?
in texas, 30% of revenue is reserved for public schools while only 7% goes to the lottery commission.
millions of stupid people paying into a fund to make one stupid person look smart.
i’m going to play the powerball tonight even though i have a better chance of being hit by lightning twice than of winning this lottery.
another form of taxation, brillianly thought up by the goverment to help the ever growing defecit, but only effects the stupid, also “tax on the stupid”
another wonderfull person willfully donates to the u.s goverment!
when numerous men fornicate with a women and bust a nut inside her, in nine months when she has a baby and they take dna tests to see who is the father, the father wins
we played the lottery with lacey and clint won the lottery and was the father
gives poor people hope.
the lottery is the only form of entertainment which pays you back.
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