Luxury Garden Party
cl-ssy way of referring to s-xual intercourse. most often used when inviting a woman back to your home.
while this phrase generally refers to any type of s-x act, it is sometimes used to refer specifically to s-x in an outdoor hot tub.
variations: if used when referring specifically to outdoor hot tub s-x and the s-x happens to be -n-l, then the term is modified as “exotic garden party”
would you like to come back to my place for a luxury garden party?
we are inviting the four j-panese students to a luxury garden party.
i took her home and we had an exotic garden party
a luxury garden party is a euphemism for s-xual encounters that usually occur in open air, outdoor locales and environs and involve a bathtub, shower stall, or hot tub/jacuzzi. ideally, the textbook luxury garden party will involve a hot tub or jacuzzi during the late spring or summer months in an outside setting, two or more women at least 85% naked and that rate at least 8.5 to a full 10 on the richter scale, two or more bottles of vsop, one fruit plate and an hors d’evours platter from your local publix, whole foods, or deli/caterer of your choice.
the best part of my business trip was the wonderful luxury garden party hosted by the two wonderful korean ladies that were staying in the hotel room next to mine.
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