1) an acronym for 7 people; (m-a-k-e-m-m-g)
2) a group of wh-r-s who think they’re the f-cking sh-t ’cause they act cool & tough on facebook. in person they’re all little p-ss-es.
3) a really ugly group of people who only have each other as friends.
4) m- too skinny for words to describe.
a – needs to fill in the gap between her 2 front teeth because she looks like a redneck.
k – the biggest wh-r- in the group who likes to mess with guys hearts.
e – the biggest b-tch who ever walked the face of the earth.
m – the biggest prude guy who acts tough as sh-t, but can’t face the truth that he’s a tw-t with no real friends.
m – uses “hahaha” as a comeback because he’s got nothing else.
g – three words: flat faced ch-nk.
1) dude1: “holy sh-t, dude, did you see those f-gs last night?”
dude2: “which ones? m-a-k-e-me-m-ssively-gag?”
dude1: “yeah those b-tches.”
dude2: “haha yeah, i saw all the girls eating each other out last night in public, while those 2 dudes were wacking each other off!”
dude1: “what wh-r-s! and wow, i didn’t know those guys had d-cks?”
dude2: “haha, i know dude; they look more like really tight tooth-filled p-ss-es, instead!”
dude1: “did you take pics?”
dude2: “duh! they’re all over nj now!”
dude1: “hahahaha! what a bunch of desperate, lonely wh-r-s! they have to refer to their own group to get some!”
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