machoyz is a term used to define something very cool. pr-nounced muh-choize.
dude, that movie last night was so machoyz!
i had s-x with karen last night, and her v-g-n- was not machoyz!
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- mach shubin
1.) (adv.) a derogatory term used to describe the pace of someone who is going so fast that their speed is considered malicious to those around them. see also: shubin, pons, pons mach shubin. did you see that guy going mach shubin? jesus christ! he could have killed someone.
- Forced Oral
the act of forcing ones p-n-s/v-g-n- in a mouth. mich: buddo, did u do that homework for that gay lord fernando yesterday night? fernando: dude, i am fernando! fernando dropped his pants faster then tom cruise in top gun and began forced oral.
- french enhale
inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. pretty much the opposite of how it’s usually done. use french inhale gets the high to your brain faster.
kinky silver dress- what a hot nymphomaniacal young chick wears to hook up with sleazy men at discothecques. “lookit that hot b-tch with dat ksd. gotta get her number so i can get her in bed!”
- french it
“french it” or “frenching it” is to say that you have not showered that day, usually on purpose. acceptable in almost any situation, as long as you explain the smell. named for the french poeples lack of hygeine. person 1-“lets go to the mall.” person 2-“dude, i havent had a shower today.” person 1-“thats alright, […]