n. the process of having s-x with a girl without the use of a condom. named after hockey player craig mactavish, who is famous for being the last hockey player in the nhl to play without wearing a helmet.
al: yo man i heard you mactavished that broad last night.
rando: yeah playa i bare backed her.
craig mactavish was the last player in nhl history to not wear a helmet. therefore, anyone having s-x without wearing a condom is going “mactavish”.
i was so drunk last night, i went mactavish with this girl i met at the bar. this morning i was scrubbing my b-lls for 45 minutes.
when you have s-x with a girl without wearing a condom.
craig mactavish was known for being the last nhl player to play without a helmet.
james: i got laid last night.
trevor: you animal. did you wear a condom?
james: no – i gave her the ol’ mactavish
trevor: remind me not to have s-x with any of your x-girlfriends. i will probably get aids.
1. verb, having s-x without a condom.
2. john mactavish, the biggest bad-ss in call of duty 4.
3. verb, undergoing a series of harmfull and/or violent actions, which should have killed you, but instead you survive. called like this because of above mentioned john mactavish, and what happened to him at the end of cod 4.
i don’t have a condom, so i’ll just go mactavish.
guy #1: he got hit by three cars and survived it!
guy #2: he pulled a mactavish!
the last name of the british sas soldier in call of duty 4.
mactavish, get on that turret.
alabama hot pocket superman strawberry shortcake spiderman
to partic-p-te in deviant s-xual activities such as the alabama hot pocket and the superman.
dude, i heard they mactavished all night, what perverts!
yeah, they’ve been mactavishing again.
mactavish – to screw a girl without a condom
-note- rick mactavish was the last north american professional hockey player to play without a protective helmet, having signed his first pro contract just before helmets were made mandatory for all new players.
“yo, i hit that sh-t mactavish last night”
“she’s hot but she’s been around. i wouldn’t hit that sh-t mactavish if i were you.”
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