mad hatter
lsd reference from alice in wonderland.
“…back to back hits of that mad hatter magic.”
“spiders in the mattress, paisley sungl-sses, dialated eyes green, ice grill that could burn through your picture-in-picture widescreen.
poison late late show starring aes aesop rock and his jigsaw face.”
someone who sells drugs.
you want some weed? look for your local madhatter
an extremely ugly person, usually of middle eastern descent, with a large nose who is totally mad and likely to blow your -ss up with some jihad sh-t.
osama bin laden is one mad hatter -ss motherf-cker!
a s-x game that is played with two or more people. the rules are simple, while in the middle of a s-x act one person, who will play the part of the mad hatter, yells “change places!” everyone then must rush to switch positions and or partners. the same position cannot be used twice with the same partner. this is a reference to the tea party scene in the alice in wonderland book.
john and cindy liked to play mad hatter on sat-rdays to spices things up.
the tea party movement. specifically the more radical ones that think there is a communist plot and a threat to the democracy to the country. they wear weird hats. they have insane conspiracy theories. they are loud, provocative, and in coherent… like the mad hatter in alice in wonderland.
glenn beck is a mad hatter.
the tea party is filled with mad hatters
1) a term commonly used by players of games like call of duty or grand theft auto to insult players of the f2p team fortress 2. it mocks how much of the game and it’s economy revolves around hats, and how almost everyone who plays it wastes money and time bartering for the rarest hats. they would use it to insult players of tf2, because tf2 is widely regarded by players of other, more mature fpss to be “immature” and “all jokes and references”. this is because a lot of the game is exactly that: puns, jokes, and references to other games made by steam. this would make it seems ridiculous in comparison to other games with more of a story line, and would make anyone who plays it seem like someone with “no taste in games”
2) another term used by players of the game to describe other players that have a plentiful supply of hats, and many that are rare. this, in contrary to the other definition, would be used as a compliment by those who only have the gibson to honor those that have everything from the store-bought “modest pile of hat” to the envious “pyrovision goggles”
1) andy: “hey, you see that adam guy over there? he’s a mad hatter.”
drew: “what’s that supposed to mean?”
andy: “it means someone plays that one game, play fortress 3 or whatever. you know, the one with jokes and hats?”
drew: “oh yeah, that stupid game. i’d rather stick to gta v, man! #yoloswag360noscope420blazeit man!”
2) mustachemanc2dak: hey, look at that arisenjesus guy! he’s a mad hatter! he could trade away fifty pyrovision goggles and still have too many!”
hyperactivenotato: really? i wonder if he’d give me a anger…
mustachemanc2dak: it’s not happening man, give up on the dream!
hyperactivenotatol ok…
someone with great skills in a craft in which they specify. many times used as a sports team name because of the definition. the image of the mad hatter team symbol usually shows a large, angry, and muscular man resembling ‘uncle sam’ the mascot of america.
the mad hatters defeated the knights because of their honed skills and prowess upon the field.
when he is in a conversation he is a mad hatter, his words are so finely selected and so high cl-ss everyone who hears him feels his influence.
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