
racist s-xist egotistical twot
wow have you seen mahfoth he is so awful i hate him

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    something very close to his heart thanks, you g-y vegged

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  • estabanagoose

    a person who spreads rumors about innocent people. they think they are the best person alive and condescend down on people. they are brats and little p–pies who say stuff that they wont or dont do. estabanagoose is a brat!

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    to involuntarily throw up while in the act of -j-c-l-t–n, usually followed by intense sounds and smells. “i was having s-x with kara the other night, she wanted -n-l. i was s-xually confused so i yacknutted.

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    people these days are cruel and they will switch up first chance they get. everyone on this earth is fake people these days are fake

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