
when you c-m you -j-c-l-t- a stream of glitter everywhere
only happens when you are g-y
owen just majescalated everywhere!

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  • kennys dick

    somthing that is too small to see. and needs v–gr- to keep it up man1 damb i thought kennys d-ck was just skin

  • annino

    sick family name cool kids woah here comes the annino’s!

  • buick stop

    when you visit a co-worker after work for s-x. you want more time but you’ll take what you can because that’s better than nothing……just like a buick., better than nothing. went to jessica’s for a buick stop after work, went home with a smile!

  • naughty wink

    seen by the male partner when engaging in mutual oral s-x (“69”), this term describes the effect of the female partner contracting or tightening her pelvic muscles during s-xual stimulation, which causes her -n-s to contract or ‘wink’. sometimes used a signal to the male partner indicating that whatever he is doing is having the […]

  • gurgakash

    indian for pardon, especially after farting, one must always say gurgrakesh after farting fart pardon -rs-burp *farts* ooooo gurgakash! gurgakesh i didn’t hear you, please repeat yourself .

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