(noun) the carriage a man carries ‘himself’ in, a.k.a. where he carries his manhood, a.k.a. his scr-t-m, t-st-cl-s, groin, these are all synonyms of mancarriage
(this is not a play on miscarriages, which are serious business and more common than most think; approximately 1 in 6 babies are miscarried long before the mother is even aware (the following month) when the fertilized egg is washed out of the v-g-n- instead of attaching itself to the uteran wall, being fertilized shortly before her next period.)
oh my god!” “what happened?” “she kicked him in the/his mancarriage and he dropped like a stone.” “she kicked his mancarriage!” “i played catcher in ifa sports in college and took one to my mancarriage once… took me a good 10 or 15 minutes to walk it off.”
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- ploote
subsitute in for any offensive word. origionated in il. lame-style: you are an -sshole. ploote-style: you are a ploote.
- Ploner
a mixture between a plonker and a loner ali is such a ploner
- sankee
word created by two people from north east of england meaning “thank you” or “thanks” see: thank you and thanks sankee very much! p-ss the salt… sankee!
- sarandipity
the good fortune and luck of meeting a sara. the good ones, without the -h. :d boy 1: hey i met a girl today, she was amazing. boy 2: oh wow, what was her name? boy 1: sara, no h boy 2: thats sarandipity!
- saranesque
compulsively or industrial strength clingy. as pontificated by my dear friend evan during a discussion of dates: “the poor guy must of been jilted in the past, it’s why he’s so…saranesque.”