when you and a girl hit it off but you never get to date and instead end up in the friend zone, doing all the sh-t that a boyfriend should but with none of the benefits.
“hey, you remember joe and that girl? well hes getting totally manraped”
when a woman tells the man she is sleeping with that she is on birth control but is not, in the hopes of becoming pregnant. so called because the man is given no choice in the conception of the child.
essentially using a man for his sperm.
steve got man raped. now he’s paying $1500 a month in child support.
not the same thing as -ss rape. it’s where a woman rapes a guy. it is a myth that men can’t be raped by women. there are some horney women who think that it is part of women’s equal rights that they can rape men.
kathy is into man rape.
when a man is soooo hammered and p-sses out only to come to with some chick riding his d-ck. sometimes this can be a good thing but there are cases when the rapist is f-ugly or a wh-r-, who the man would never willingly screw, sober. hopefully if it is the latter, the wh-r- put a rubber on the victim, or he may become a daddy, or soon find herpes on his c-ck.
i think i was man raped last night…
i p-ssed out last night and woke up to some b-tch on my d-ck.
when a male is subjected to forcible sodomy.
after only a week in prison, mark had been manraped by all the inmates in his cell block.
when a girl talks to a guy all night, b-tches about her problems and makes it seem like she’s interested in him, only to waste his time and fail to give him any -ss.
dude, last night melissa totally man raped me.. i spent two hours listening to her and giving her attention and i didnt even get her number…
the ultimate way to settle disputes.
if this guy keeps on talking, i’m going to man rape him.
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acronym that stands for: run from the cops (this is the name of a song by atmosphere). self explanatory guy 1: hey man this alley is a great place to tag some sh-t up guy 2: oh sh-t man 5-0, rftc
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a rhino bang is when you have an extremely irritating person come from behind and knee you right in the keester. rhino bang is similar to a charlie horse except this is caused by someone’s knee ridding right up your -ss while jeffren and lex got ready for gym cl-ss, lex thought it would be […]
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