a mindset which conflates the the two common definitions of nationalism.
there are two definitions of nationalim in the oxford english dictionary. on the one hand there is the nasty kind of national exceptionalism prevelant in 1930’s europe. on the other hand there is the more benign kind, a simple desire for your country to be independent.
‘mashionalists’ see no distinction between the two. either due of a simple lack of nuance in their thinking or as a wilful means of opposing a political movement they dislike using obfustication of language.
also: lack of distinction between ‘ethnic’ and ‘civic’ nationalism.
mashionalism is a is often used to smear supporters of national independence as racist, bigoted or fascistic.
the man has a picture of george orwell on his profile. he likes to misattribute orwell quotes to the current political situations in catalonia and scotland. i suspect he has not read ‘homage to catalonia’ and is propogating a historical fallacy. i is ironic to use such mashionalism in regards to a man who was ever-aware of the power and nuance of words.
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