
a kid whos in the dabate team. hes a master at debating!!
wow. jeff is such a master at debating. so i guess that makes him a mastur-debater

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    a person who does what he wants. no shame. joe: that person’s a real matt brenner. nikhil: no! there is only one matt brenner, and he does what he wants. no shame.

  • Meganatrix

    a famous p-rn star who is known for her dark and seductive black hair that she cut off to whip her victims. last night my girls friend whipped me into shape like meganatrix.

  • Prisuta

    lil white kid who tries to be cool and tough but is a p-ssy deep down inside. deserves to be beaten with sticks. prisuta bought the new g-unit cd…what a f-g.

  • Prosational

    a cross between professional and sensational. did you see the size of that hendry steamer dude ? that was prosational !

  • Courting capture mode

    the mode you go into in order to get the object of your affections, occ-ssionally requires lying you went on his motorbike, but you hate motorbikes. i know. are you in courting capture mode? might be playa, get that man

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