texting abbreviation of the phrase, “might as well be.”
ken sends a text, calling barry down the pub, barry text’s back, saying he can’t, he’s been given orders by her indoors. ‘you act like an old married couple you two’, text’s ken, disgusted and forlorn. barry, who has to be quick, jude giving him the evil eye replies, ‘mawb!’
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- maxa
poilsh slang meaning to the max jarek kurwa ty jestesz ubrany na maxa
- atmm
at the moment man or at the moment mate. lovin life atmm.
aim shorthand for “be quiet, i’m masturbating.” dude, bqim. gimme 15 min.
- rip van fucktard
a person so clueless that they appear to have been separated from society for an extremely prolonged period of time – as if that person had been asleep for 50+ years. this entire administration is made up of a bunch of rip van f-cktards.
- Gentani
animal…came from the ancient land of hyasdan yo man the girl is a gentani (gent) dayam she was gent in bed