the quasi-meditative state of mind a person is in after they are tired from fapping.
after seeing megan fox for too long, i began to medifap.
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a person who is extremly sk-nky. ewww, omg she is such a grimy meffel.
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they are humans from the galactic sector of taurus. they reach six feet and up in height, and they have blonde hair and blue eyes. example sentence: plejaran girls pinched the cheeks of a balkyayarlan.
- Shit Pilgrim
1: interjection; often used as a spurradic gleeish vocal outburst to express one’s inner mentally challenged self being overloaded to the point of combusture, due to circ-mstances beyond their limited cranial capacitiy’s control. see also r-t-rd attack 2: interjection; meaningless taunt often used by one after one or more of the following criteria have been […]
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