Mega Jump
the jumping of mega-ness. also a really cool game for apple for only cool people. so if your looking up this definition right now because you dont know what it is, then you do not deserve to play this game because you are not cool.
but if you want people to think your the coolest cat, tell them you play mega jump, they will love you forever. trust me. it happened to a friend of a cousin of my hairdressers. also it happened to me.
cool person: yo home dog g, i think your lame sauces!!!
you: im am not lame sauces :(:( wanna know why im kewl?!?!?!!
cool person: okeieiieiie?!
you: i play mega jump
cool person: omg wtttf lol wow this is amazing omg i lave yew ur sew kewllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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