Mein Fuhrer
1.) my leader
2.) the newest, latest, and greatest from the animators at new new grounds. this new movie with a genre busting premise is billed as a time traversing episodic operatic sp-ce adventure situation frat comedy drama that focuses on the relationships and lives of the members of the v2 rocket, the u.s.s. n-z- as they go through time.
dude that adolf hitler sure is mein fuhrer.
that movie mein fuhrer totally kicked -ss, its so cool it’ll sleep with your mother while making your father make it breakfast. then it will expose your father for being the dirty ring gay he really is.
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one who pokes a dead body. janelly poked the corpse because she is a necropokiac.
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a person who s-xually pleases himself with a dead animal puppy. necro- necrophile pedo- pedophile beasto- beastophile “ah, holy sh-t dude!” “what?” “that man was totally f-cking that dead baby squirrel” “woah! a necropedobeastophiliak!!!” “run!!!”
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noun: the fear of a dead man’s beard. ryan couldn’t be there at his father’s wake. he’s got necropogophobia.
- nag bon
cebuano slang. what normalites do. like when they stare blankly into sp-ce and/or have nothing to say. tricia: watcha doin? lieve: nag bon. you? tricia: ako pud.