a man with immense muscles and superior charm. heartbreaker. has better hair then david bowie.
person 1: “d-mn, isn’t that melanion s-xy?”
person 2: “no.”
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- Merry Cycle
a merry-go round, called a cycle because it rotates in a endless cycle. i.e. merry-go round, merry cycle
- petrol nazi
a tight-ss on petrol. will say half a tank of petrol “wont be enough” to last them 2 days when they can’t be f-cked giving you a lift anywhere hus: “terry take me to maccas” terry: “ive got 1/2 a tank till wednesday dude sorry” hus: “its a 30 second trip you f-cken petrol n-z-!”
- Pewee Herman
a crazy, overreactive homie that sniffed some cocaine with the hippie guy from cheech and chong and the stole their money…pewee herman said he was sorry, but then he just laughed and said he wasn’t. let’s go shoot up some vatos with my homie pewee herman.
- petsploitation
1. posting videos or pix of pets doing goofyadorable things on the internets. 2. p-ssing along videos or pix of pets doing goofyadorable things on the internets. so my cubicle mate sent me this vid of this seriously obese cat slamdiving into a weight watcher’s box. it was ridic and total petsploitation.
a short form for s-xting that means please grab my p-n-s come over 2nite and pgmp!