Mental institution
a complex in which so called “mental” people are supposed to live in. it is a method of scrict isolation often used by governments so as to make people lose hope and destroy them physically and mentally.
mental inst-tutions often are veiled with a positive slogan which misinforms customers. these customers are lured into undertaking the “mental” psycological processes.
see school or nursing home.
other inst-tutions force unwilling hospital patients into their mental facilities. these unlucky patients are sent to a different kind of mental inst-tution called an asylum, which is harsher than a school but with more if not equal brainwashing strength. different types of similar mental inst-tutions include crisis stabilization, open units, medium-term, juvenile wards, long term care facilities or halfway houses.
sometimes corrupt government leaders of authoritative countries use mental inst-tutions to punish people they simply don’t like. the president of an authoritative country might banish a senator he ran against. the senator would have to go into an psychiatric hospital to get the “treatment” that he or she needed. this is a way for government leaders to get rid of people they don’t like.
conclusion: mental inst-tution=bad
you get the point.
mental guy: im so happy im going to da mental inst-tution.
other guy: good for you.
a place where people talk about killing themselves and/or other people. these people are often in a dark room with a straight jacket on and take a lot of medication
”my uncle tony had to be put in a mental inst-tution because he said he was going to kill himself.” ”but it’s not his fault. he has no friends and his family doesn’t give a d-mn about him. ”man this country is f-cked up;;;
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