people who use meth and believe in the ideology and politics of meth.almost religion like, methamphetamists believe that everything in the world is related to or influenced by meth. they spend countless hours using, -n-lyzing and talking about the drug and can quote meth recipes like scripture. methamphetamists are know it alls and can and will tell you everything they can possibly tell you about any thing that might come up in conversation. it may sometimes be hard to get a word in edge wise around the real hard core methamphetamists. they can tell you who has been busted, who is narc and who the leaders of the local drug task forces are and where they live. they have huge illusions of grandeur and often place themselves in tales of drug trade with mexican gangsters and patch wearing bikers even though they haven’t left town in 12 years. methamphetamists absolutly love drama and talk sh-t constantly about others. these people have an uncanny ability to avoid accountability for their actions and will blame any wrong doings on whatever/whoever they perceive to be at fault. methamphetamists can reach a level of inner meth spirituality that will make them believe that they are omnipotent in being and will swell up with arrogant pride. some of their favorite activities are; lying, stealing, starting rumors, and going through other people’s belongings. they are faithful to their drug and their drug only and are highly motivated to serve their master with fervor. they can be found in drug houses,alleys with dumosters, pool halls, casinos , p-rn shops,second hand stores and at walmart at 4 a.m.. they are easily recognizable by their quick jerky movements, dialated pupils,fingerless bicycle gloves and the scabs on their faces and arms.they love to carry backpacks full of junk they “find” in their travels and usually ride old ten speed bikes with mirrors,lights and baggage racks. don’t be fooled by a methamphetamists meagher appearance, they believe they have and can use superpowers which makes them dangerous as any religious zealot.
the methamphetamists are holding church down at the old abandoned warehouse this morning at 3:30 am. this will be a headlamp service with holy communion of gl-ss pipe blowing and ice smoking. services will be followed by dumpster diving social behind the salvation army. all are invited to attend. please bring any speed, propane torches, cigar tubes, tools or night vision equipment you might have. donations are welcome and appreciated.
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