metrosexual backlash
phenomenon which occurs when straight women begin to realize that perhaps men who spend more time and money on their hair/skin/clothes than they do, are not exactly what they wanted after all. mom always said “be careful what you wish for, you just might get it!” and d-mn if she wasn’t right!
phase 1 of the metros-xual backlash first results in the “metro” receiving the exact opposite attention response that he was hoping for. instead of gaining increased attention from prospective partners, decreased attention results due to the inability of said partners to ascertain the orientation of the “metro”.
this leads to phase 2 of the metros-xual backlash, an increase in autos-xual behavior among, interestingly, both straight women and gay men, both of whom experience frustration at not being able to identify the “metro” as part of their dating pool.
phase 3 has yet to be clearly identified, but it may include an increase in the frequency of friendships between gay males and straight females as they form alliances dedicated to determining the orientation of “metro” men.
i used to think those pretty metro boys were so hot, but lately i find they’re just too much. d-mn metro’s, bet they weren’t counting on the backlash, ’cause i ain’t got time to be with a guy who’s spending more time getting ready than i am!
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