mia mckenny

significantly better then christian martins exept littness and memes. no matter how much she says it’s false she’s better and she knows it
vro my b-tch is such a mia mckenny and i’m a christian martins.

tf n-gg-, what is that

look it up you n-gg-r d-ck f-ck nut
if your girlfriend is a mia mckenny that means that they are significantly better then you in every way exept littness but they refuse to admit it even tho they know that they are indeed better. a mia mckenny is extremely beautiful and a really great person that the boyfriend does not deserve. she is also really thicc 178.45% of the time.
me: wow i’m so happy my b-tch is a mia mckenny

local n-gg-: d-mn n-gg- she must be a keeper then

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