derogatory term used to describe half-breed mexican-native american women. term can also be found in dialogue exchange between jennifer jones and lionel barrymore in the 1946 film, “duel in the sun”.
1) l.b.: how’d they come to name you pearl?
j.j.: i don’t know, sir.
l.b.: they couldn’t have had much eye for color, could they? (laughter) they might have better called you pocahontas or minnie-ha-ha. ain’t i right?
j.j.: i guess so.
2) racist pig, drinking budweiser and scratching his nuts: “yeah, them d-mn minnie-ha-has. keep them border jumpers on the other side” shots ring out, racist pig chokes on his own beer and vomit, which consisted of last night’s redneck meal.
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