a gentleman with the qualities unparalleled by other males. he is kind, generous and above all attractive on a physical, mental and spiritual level. his cultural background is of european and middle eastern decent from which he gains his ravishing looks.
that really s-xy guy must be a mishkin
4 more definitions
a mutant hybrid animal that was breeded from a monkey, frog, apple, squash, sponge, cat, and squirrel
did you see that mishkin???? it climbed that tree in 2 3.5 seconds. i want to be a mishkin when i qrow up.
a thing that programs games.
the mishkin just programmed us some pear shooting guns. i hope it adds the super advanced feature soon.
to imply that something is difficult or that it would be a mission to carry out
the obstacle course will be bare mishkins (look up bare for meaning (a word meaning very or lots)
a mutant hybrid animal that was breeded from a monkey, frog, apple, squash, sponge, cat, and squirrel
did you see that mishkin???? it climbed that tree in 2 3.5 seconds. i want to be a mishkin when i qrow up.
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