a situation in which a single company or group owns all or nearly all of the market for a given type of product or service. by definition, a monapplely is characterized by an absence of compet-tion – which often results in high prices and/or inferior products.
d-mn, i hate at&t wireless, and my fricking new iphone 4 doesn’t work worth a sh-t, i’d like to bust up that monapplely.
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cardboard city/weathermen person 1: “yo you hear tha new cage alb-m” person 2: “yo that sh-t was dope. cc/wm!!”
- turney steak
1) to give someone their own back, to give revenge “peter gave julie a turney steak by not inviting her to his party” “peter: why are you calling him names?” “julie: i don’t know” “peter: how about i give you a turney steak and called you names, how would you like that?”
- missile catcher
a male or female who takes p-n-ses in their -sses or p-ssyes(if you are a female). usually refered to gay men. 1. f-ggot 2. brokeback 3. charlie: mom that strange looking man across the street said he wanted to play missile catch. 4. d-mn dan is a real missile catcher for sure look at how […]
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